
/admin help | helpall
/jfreu help | helpall
/players <string> finds online player(s)
/admin players
/admin players <string> finds offline player(s)
/admin players live lists online player(s)
/pm <login/id> <message>
/pma <login/id> <message>
/admin pm <message>
/admin pmlog
/admin wall <message>
/admin endround /admin er
/admin resmap /admin res
/admin nextmap /admin next
/admin replaymap /admin replay
/admin pass
/admin cancel /admin can
/admin dropjukebox <#> /admin djb <#>
/admin clearjukebox /admin cjb
/admin warn <login/id>
/admin kick <login/id>
/admin kickghost <login>
/admin black <login/id>
/admin ban <login/id>
/admin banip <IP>
/jfreu badword <login/id>
/jfreu banfor <time> <login/id> <time> = <xx> mins or <x>H hours
/jfreu players
/jfreu players <string> finds offline player(s)
/jfreu players live lists online player(s)

List of available user commands:

/admin Provides admin commands (see: /admin help)
/help Shows all available commands
/helpall Displays help for available commands
/recs Displays all records on current track
/recs help Displays this help information
/recs pb Shows your personal best on current track
/recs new Shows newly driven records
/recs live Shows records of online players
/recs first Shows first ranked record on current track
/recs last Shows last ranked record on current track
/recs next Shows next better ranked record to beat
/recs diff Shows your difference to first ranked record
/recs range Shows difference first to last ranked record
/newrecs Shows newly driven records
/liverecs Shows records of online players
/best Displays your best records
/worst Displays your worst records
/summary Shows summary of all your records
/topsums Displays top 100 of top-3 record holders
/toprecs Displays top 100 ranked records holders
/firstrec Shows first ranked record on current track
/lastrec Shows last ranked record on current track
/nextrec Shows next better ranked record to beat
/diffrec Shows your difference to first ranked record
/recrange Shows difference first to last ranked record
/helpdedi | /dedihelp Displays info about the Dedimania records system
/dedirecs Displays all Dedimania records on current track
/dedirecs help Displays this help information
/dedirecs pb Shows your personal best on current track
/dedirecs new Shows newly driven records
/dedirecs live Shows records of online players
/dedirecs first Shows first ranked record on current track
/dedirecs last Shows last ranked record on current track
/dedirecs next Shows next better ranked record to beat
/dedirecs diff Shows your difference to first ranked record
/dedirecs range Shows difference first to last ranked record
/dedinew Shows newly driven Dedimania records
/dedilive Shows Dedimania records of online players
/dedipb Shows your Dedimania personal best on current track
/dedifirst Shows first Dedimania record on current track
/dedilast Shows last Dedimania record on current track
/dedinext Shows next better Dedimania record to beat
/dedidiff Shows your difference to first Dedimania record
/dedirange Shows difference first to last Dedimania record
/dedicps Sets Dedimania record checkspoints tracking
/dedistats Displays Dedimania track statistics
/players Displays current list of nicks/logins
/ranks Displays list of online ranks/nicks
/clans Displays list of online clans/nicks
/topclans Displays top 10 best ranked clans
/wins Shows wins for current player
/laston Shows when a player was last online
/stats Displays statistics of current player
/statsall (TMN) Displays world statistics of a player
/settings Displays your personal settings
/server Displays info for current server
/plugins Displays list of active plugins
/nations Displays top 10 most visiting nations
/song Shows filename of current tracks song
/me Can be used to express emotions
/mute Mute another players chat messages
/unmute UnMute another players chat messages
/mutelist Display list of muted players
/refresh Refresh chat window
/tmxinfo Displays TMX info {Track_ID/TMX_ID} {sec}
/tmxrecs Displays TMX records {Track_ID/TMX_ID} {sec}
/sminfo Displays ShareMania info {Track_ID/SM_ID}
/track Shows info about the current track
/playtime Shows time current track has been playing
/time Shows current server time & date
/cps Sets local record checkspoints tracking
/cpsspec Shows checkpoints of spectated player
/pb Shows your personal best on current track
/rank Shows your current server rank
/top10 Displays top 10 best ranked players
/top100 Displays top 100 best ranked players
/topwins Displays top 100 victorious players
/active Displays top 100 most active players
/list Lists tracks currently on the server (see: /list help)
/list help Displays this help information
/list nofinish Tracks you dont have a rank on
/list norank Tracks you havent completed
/list nogold Tracks you didnt beat gold time on
/list noauthor Tracks you didnt beat author time on
/list norecent Tracks you didnt play recently
/list best | worst Tracks with your best / worst records
/list longest | shortest The longest / shortest tracks
/list newest | oldest <#> The newest / oldest # tracks (default: 50)
/list <xxx> Where <xxx> is part of a track or author name
/list env:<zzz> (TMUF) Where <zzz> is an environment from: stadium,
/list <xxx> env:<zzz> Combines the name and environment searches
/list karma <#> Display all tracks with karma >= or <= given value
/jukebox Sets a track to be played next (see: /jukebox help)
/jukebox help Displays this help information
/jukebox list Shows upcoming tracks
/jukebox display Displays upcoming tracks and requesters
/jukebox drop Drops your currently added track
/jukebox <#> Adds a track where <#> is track number from /list
/autojuke Jukeboxes track from /list (see: /autojuke help)
/autojuke help Displays this help information
/autojuke nofinish Tracks you dont have a rank on
/autojuke norank Tracks you havent completed
/autojuke nogold Tracks you didnt beat gold time on
/autojuke noauthor Tracks you didnt beat author time on
/autojuke norecent Tracks you didnt play recently
/autojuke longest | shortest The longest / shortest tracks
/autojuke newest | oldest The newest / oldest # tracks
/add Adds a track directly from TMX/SM (<ID> {sec})
/add <ID> <sec> (TMF) Adds a track from a specific TMX section
/add <ID> SM Adds a track directly from ShareMania
/y Votes Yes for a TMX track or chat-based vote
/history Shows the 10 most recently played tracks
/xlist Lists tracks on TMX (see: /xlist help)
/xlist help Displays this help information
/xlist recent Lists the 10 most recent tracks
/xlist <xxx> Lists tracks matching (partial) name
/xlist auth:<yyy> Lists tracks matching (partial) author
/xlist env:<zzz> Where <zzz> is an environment from: stadium,
/xlist <xxx> auth:<yyy> env:<zzz> Combines the name, author and/or env searches
/xlist <tmx> Where <tmx> is a TMX section from:
Can be appended to any of the above searches
/pm Sends a private message to login or Player_ID
/pma Sends a private message to player & admins (admin-only)
/pmlog Displays log of your recent private messages
/hi Sends a Hi message to everyone
/bye Sends a Bye message to everyone
/thx Sends a Thanks message to everyone
/lol Sends a Lol message to everyone
/lool Sends a Lool message to everyone
/brb Sends a Be Right Back message to everyone
/afk Sends an Away From Keyboard message to everyone
/gg Sends a Good Game message to everyone
/gr Sends a Good Race message to everyone
/n1 Sends a Nice One message to everyone
/bgm Sends a Bad Game message to everyone
/official Shows a helpful message ;-)
/bootme Boot yourself from the server
/karma Shows karma for the current track
/++ Increases karma for the current track
/-- Decreases karma for the current track
/nextmap Shows name of the next challenge
/nextrank Shows the next better ranked player
/helpvote | /votehelp Displays info about the chat-based votes
/endround Starts a vote to end current round
/ladder Starts a vote to restart track for ladder
/replay Starts a vote to replay this track
/skip Starts a vote to skip this track
/kick Starts a vote to kick a player
/cancel Cancels your current vote
/chatlog Displays log of recent chat messages
/msglog (TMF) Displays log of recent system messages
/style (TMF) Selects window style (see: /style help)
/style help Displays this help information
/style list Displays available styles
/style default Resets style to server default
/style off Disables TMF window style
/style <xxx> Selects window style <xxx>
/donpanel (TMUF) Selects donate panel (see: /donpanel help)
/donpanel help Displays this help information
/donpanel list Displays available panels
/donpanel default Resets panel to server default
/donpanel off Disables donate panel
/donpanel <xxx> Selects donate panel <xxx>
/recpanel (TMF) Selects records panel (see: /recpanel help)
/recpanel help Displays this help information
/recpanel list Displays available panels
/recpanel default Resets panel to server default
/recpanel off Disables records panel
/recpanel <xxx> Selects records panel <xxx>
/votepanel (TMF) Selects records panel (see: /votepanel help)
/votepanel help Displays this help information
/votepanel list Displays available panels
/votepanel default Resets panel to server default
/votepanel off Disables vote panel
/votepanel <xxx> Selects vote panel <xxx>
/donate (TMUF) Donates coppers to server
/topdons (TMUF) Displays top 100 highest donators
/music (TMF) Handles server music (see: /music help)
/music help Displays this help information
/music settings Displays current music settings
/music list Displays available songs
/music current Shows the current song
/music reload (admin) Reloads musicserver.xml config file
/music next (admin) Skips to next song (upon next track)
/music sort (admin) Sorts the song list
/music shuffle (admin) Randomizes the song list
/music override (admin) Changes track override setting
/music autonext (admin) Changes automatic next song setting
/music allowjb (admin) Changes allow jukebox setting
/music stripdirs (admin) Changes strip subdirs setting
/music stripexts (admin) Changes strip extensions setting
/music off (admin) Disables music, auto next & jukebox
/music jukebox Displays upcoming songs in jukebox
/music drop Drops your currently added song
/music <#> Adds a song to jukebox where <#> is song number
/rpoints (TMF) Shows current Rounds points system
/ranklimit Shows the current rank limit
/password Shows servers player/spectator password
/yes Votes Yes for unSpec
/no Votes No for unSpec
/unspec Launches an unSpec vote
/message Shows random informational message
/jfreu Jfreu admin commands (see: /jfreu help)
/version Shows server version (dedicated built-in command)
/serverlogin (TMF) Shows server login (dedicated built-in command)

List of available /admin commands:

help Shows all available /admin commands
helpall Displays help for available /admin commands
setservername Changes the name of the server
setcomment Changes the server comment
setpwd Changes the player password
setspecpwd Changes the spectator password
setrefpwd (TMF) Changes the referee password
setmaxplayers Sets a new maximum of players
setmaxspecs Sets a new maximum of spectators
setgamemode Sets next mode {ta,rounds,team,laps,stunts,cup}
setrefmode (TMF) Sets referee mode {0=top3,1=all}
nextmap | next Forces server to load next track
skipmap | skip Forces server to load next track
previous | prev Forces server to load previous track
nextenv (TMUF) Loads next track in same environment
restartmap | res Restarts currently running track
replaymap | replay Replays current track (via jukebox)
dropjukebox | djb Drops a track from the jukebox
clearjukebox | cjb Clears the entire jukebox
clearhist Clears (part of) track history
add Adds tracks directly from TMX/SM (<ID>... {sec})
add <ID> <sec> (TMF) Adds a track from a specific TMX section
add <ID> SM Adds a track from ShareMania
addthis Adds current /add-ed track permanently
addlocal Adds a local track (<filename>)
warn Sends a kick/ban warning to a player
kick Kicks a player from server
kickghost Kicks a ghost player from server
ban Bans a player from server
unban UnBans a player from server
banip Bans an IP address from server
unbanip UnBans an IP address from server
black Blacklists a player from server
unblack UnBlacklists a player from server
addguest Adds a guest player to server
removeguest Removes a guest player from server
pass Passes a chat-based or TMX /add vote
cancel | can Cancels any running vote
endround | er Forces end of current round
players Displays list of known players {string}
players live Displays list of online players
showbanlist | listbans Displays current ban list
showiplist | listips Displays current banned IPs list
showblacklist | listblacks Displays current black list
showguestlist | listguests Displays current guest list
writeiplist Saves current banned IPs list (def: bannedips.xml)
readiplist Loads current banned IPs list (def: bannedips.xml)
writeblacklist Saves current black list (def: blacklist.txt)
readblacklist Loads current black list (def: blacklist.txt)
writeguestlist Saves current guest list (def: guestlist.txt)
readguestlist Loads current guest list (def: guestlist.txt)
cleanbanlist Cleans current ban list
cleaniplist Cleans current banned IPs list
cleanblacklist Cleans current black list
cleanguestlist Cleans current guest list
mergegbl Merges a global black list {URL}
access Handles player access control
access help Displays this help information
access list Displays current access control settings
access reload Reloads updated access control settings
writetracklist Saves current track list (def: tracklist.txt)
readtracklist Loads current track list (def: tracklist.txt)
shuffle | shufflemaps Randomizes current track list
listdupes Displays list of duplicate tracks
remove Removes a track from rotation
erase Removes a track from rotation & delete track file
removethis Removes this track from rotation
erasethis Removes this track from rotation & delete track file
mute | ignore Adds a player to global mute/ignore list
unmute | unignore Removes a player from global mute/ignore list
mutelist | listmutes Displays global mute/ignore list
ignorelist | listignores Displays global mute/ignore list
cleanmutes | cleanignores Cleans global mute/ignore list
addadmin Adds a new admin
removeadmin Removes an admin
addop Adds a new operator
removeop Removes an operator
listmasters Displays current masteradmin list
listadmins Displays current admin list
listops Displays current operator list
adminability Shows/changes admin ability {ON/OFF}
opability Shows/changes operator ability {ON/OFF}
listabilities Displays current abilities list
writeabilities Saves current abilities list (def: adminops.xml)
readabilities Loads current abilities list (def: adminops.xml)
wall | mta Displays popup message to all players
delrec Deletes specific record on current track
prunerecs Deletes records for specified track
rpoints (TMF) Sets custom Rounds points (see: /admin rpoints help)
rpoints help Displays this help information
rpoints list Displays available points systems
rpoints show Shows current points system
rpoints <xxx> Sets custom points system labelled <xxx>
rpoints X,Y,...,Z Sets custom points system with specified values
rpoints off Disables custom points system
rpoints f1gp Sets Formula 1 GP points
rpoints motogp Sets MotoGP points
rpoints motogp5 Sets MotoGP + 5 points
rpoints fet1 Sets Formula ET Season 1 points
rpoints fet2 Sets Formula ET Season 2 points
rpoints fet3 Sets Formula ET Season 3 points
rpoints champcar Sets Champ Car World Series points
rpoints superstars Sets Superstars points
rpoints simple5 Sets Simple 5 points
rpoints simple10 Sets Simple 10 points
match {begin/end} to start/stop match tracking
acdl Sets AllowChallengeDownload {ON/OFF}
autotime Sets Auto TimeLimit {ON/OFF}
disablerespawn (TMF) Disable respawns at CPs {ON/OFF}
forceshowopp (TMF) Forces to show opponents {##/ALL/OFF}
scorepanel (TMF) Shows automatic scorepanel {ON/OFF}
roundsfinish (TMF) Shows rounds panel upon first finish {ON/OFF}
forceteam (TMF) Forces player into Blue or Red team
forcespec (TMF) Forces player into free spectator
specfree (TMF) Forces spectator into free mode
panel (TMF) Selects admin panel (see: /admin panel help)
panel help Displays this help information
panel list Displays available panels
panel default Resets panel to server default
panel off Disables admin panel
panel <xxx> Selects admin panel <xxx>
style (TMF) Selects default window style
admpanel (TMF) Selects default admin panel
donpanel (TMUF) Selects default donate panel
recpanel (TMF) Selects default records panel
votepanel (TMF) Selects default vote panel
coppers (TMUF) Shows servers coppers amount
pay (TMUF) Pays server coppers to login
server Displays servers detailed settings
pm Sends private message to all available admins
pmlog Displays log of recent private admin messages
call Executes direct server call (see: /admin call help)
unlock <pwd> Unlocks admin commands & features
debug Toggles debugging output
shutdown Shuts down XASECO
shutdownall Shuts down Server & XASECO
uptodate Checks current version of XASECO

List of available /jfreu commands:

help Shows Jfreu commands
helpall Displays help for Jfreu commands
autochangename Auto change servername {ON/OFF}
setrank Sets ranklimiting {ON/OFF}
setlimit Sets ranklimit value
autorank Sets autoranking {ON/OFF}
offset Sets autorank offset (-999 - 999)
hardlimit Sets hardlimit value
autorankminplayers Sets min players for autorank {0-50}
autorankvip Include VIPs in autorank {ON/OFF}
maxplayers Sets maxplayers for Kick HiRank
kickhirank Kick HiRank when server full {ON/OFF}
listlimits Displays rank limit settings
kickworst Kicks worst players {count}
players Displays list of known players {string}
players live Displays list of online players
unspec UnSpecs player {login/ID} (clear SpecOnly)
addvip Adds a VIP {login/ID}
removevip Removes a VIP {login/ID}
addvipteam Adds a VIP_Team {team}
removevipteam Removes VIP_Team {team}
listvips Displays VIPs list
listvipteams Displays VIP_Teams list
writelists Saves VIP/VIP_Team lists (def: jfreu.vips.xml)
readlists Loads VIP/VIP_Team lists (def: jfreu.vips.xml)
badwords Sets badwords bot {ON/OFF}
badwordsban Sets badwords ban {ON/OFF}
badwordsnum Sets badwords limit {count}
badwordstime Sets banning period {mins}
badword Gives extra badword warning {login/ID}
banfor Bans player {mins/hoursH} {login/ID}
unban UnBans temporarily banned player
listbans Displays temporarily banned players
message Fakes message from server {msg}
player Fakes message from player {login/ID} {msg}
nopfkick Sets NoPfKick {map/time/OFF}
cancel Cancels current vote (kick/ban/nextmap/restart)
novote Auto-cancel CallVotes {ON/OFF}
unspecvote Allow /unspec votes {ON/OFF}
infomessages Sets info messages {ON/OFF}
writeconfig Saves Jfreu config (def: jfreu.config.xml)
readconfig Loads Jfreu config (def: jfreu.config.xml)




  • Új
    2010-06-23 14:40:54

    Új színkód --> $i$FFFғаи$9F3т$FFFаѕιа$9F3»$FFF

  • Klánszín
    2010-06-14 13:50:15

    sok-sok jó klánszínt találsz a klánszín menüpontban.... -katt-

  • Rossz hír
    2010-06-13 11:57:27

    Levit kirugtam sértegetésért!!!

  • Új színkód
    2010-06-13 11:38:56

    Új színkód van!


  • War
    2010-06-08 18:04:54

    Lesz war az ARC ellen ... Szombat 18:00 de még nem biztos!

    Gyak a szerón!!

  • Alakulás:
    2010-05-30 11:46:31




Társuljunk cmtvel??
Asztali nézet